Thursday, October 1, 2009

Insomnia at it's finest!

Wow. Maybe I should be banned from holding things like a blog, facebook and twitter. I love using them but I don't always do so well with the participating in them. I would like to be able to use the excuse of being to busy but lets be honest ok well I am busy but just busy with work.

So much fun stuff has happened in the last few months as well as a few not so fun things. There is a new puppy in the house and she is so cute! Her name is Sophie-I am not sure why me or Tammy have the need to name our animals with people names but hey I vetoed things like Madison and Dolly so I think Sophie was a pretty solid win! But it is fun having a little puppy in the house even in the moments of waking up early and cleaning up accidents in the house and I know all of you moms out there would like me to shut up but hey this is where I am in my life with the animals being like children! But here above are pictures of the puppy.

Also in the not so great please continue to think about my mom and family. My mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. She is very upbeat and doing everything she can to beat it so just keep her in your prayers. We also lost my uncle to lung cancer about a month ago, he was a wonderful man who cared very deeply for his family especially his nieces and nephews and he will be greatly missed in our family.

So not to end this update on a sad note I am finding I am turning into an APPLE fanatic and I am not sure when or how it happened. But somehow I have turned into one of the people who annoys the crap out of others spewing the superiority of all apple products over everything else. Quite frankly I don't care that I have turned into this person, they by far create superior products so at least I have become a backer of a wonderful product and not something like a Sham Wow!

Enjoy the pictures of the puppy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Being Boring

I feel like I am pretty boring right now....oh I do remember mentioning a long time ago that I had found a job but I have not shared where yet. I am currently working at Chick-fil-a in Humble. I am in the process of training to be a manager....that is going well and I am learning a whole lot on the fly!! I am truly blessed at this job I enjoy the people I work around and I find it challenging so that has been amazing. So there ends my hunt from unemployed to employed now I have to think of a new name for my blog.....I will get right on that.

Other than that I have been working and scrap booking and really not much else so as I said boring. I guess I will share yet another finished page I am having a fantastic time working on these so hopefully people enjoy seeing them!!!

I really have nothing else for the time being so enjoy the page above!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Scrap booking and Basketball

Here is the next scrap-booking page I have finished so far. I am almost done with the online classes and then I am going to get started on scrap-booking all of my seattle pictures so we will see how long that takes!!! While I am super excited about doing all of this is takes me so much time to get each one done so it remains to be seen how long this is going to take me.

On a side note I am enjoying watching the NBA playoffs there have been some really exciting games so far!!! Though I don't think the Mavs will get out of the first round they are putting up a little fight against the Spurs so this is a fun time in the sporting world!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Pic is worth a thousand Words

Here you go Christina this is the second page I made. I have only done 3 so far so you will have to wait to see number 3. This was a fun day and I enjoyed getting to see everyone right before little Hudson was born. This was about a year ago. I have now gotten the bulk of my pictures so I will get those uploaded and get to work on making some more pages. Now it is off to work I go today!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Little Something for your Ears

I am suddenly realizing how much I have gotten into finding new music now that I don't have my laptop handy (that is where all my Itunes info is located). So I thought I would share with you some of the new things I have found over that last year and encourage you to check them out. Some of this is new to me but not new to the music world and some of it is not new at all I just really wanted to share it with you....

1. Cruiserweight
They are not new to the music scene they have been around awhile and both of my sisters have loved them for a long time. I am not normally partial to girls singing for some weird reason but this is a band that is backed by an amazingly wonderful girl lead singer. I am really enjoying their last EP they released.

2. Ben Rector


I had the pleasure of seeing this guy open at a Dave Barnes concert and let me tell you I was blown away not only by his amazing voice and ability to play the piano and guitar but also he true gift for song writing. He has the same vibe as Dave Barnes, John Mayer, Matt Wertz and so on......and the lyrics of his songs are beautiful and thoughtful.

3. Dave Barnes


I was introduced to Dave Barnes while still in college and have loved following his career over the last few years. He has recently gotten some much deserved attention so if you are not on the Barnes train you need to hop on now. He is so fun to see in concert because he is quite frankly one of the funniest people on the planet...if you think I am exaggerating please check him out on youtube.

4. The Bridges


This is another group I saw open for a band and they are amazing on stage. It is a group of cousins from North Carolina. They are fun to listen to and have a really great southern sound to all their music. You can just tell that they truly love to write and sing together.

5. Demi Lovato


I know many people will say she is just a girl churned out by the Disney Machine but that is far from true. She was making great music before they signed her up they have just given her an amazing stage to showcase her talent. She is a really great piano player and has a voice to die for. Just look up the many youtube videos of her singing her guts out doing covers of other really great artist. The best one is of her singing and playing a Christina Aguilera song. And yes her first album out was very pop she was good at doing the pop and if some of her new stuff is any indication her next album is going to be really great.

I hope I have been able to introduce you to some new artist or even people you haven't thought of checking out. Have a wonderful evening and day. I am hard at work on my digital scrap booking!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Start of Something New

So I have been told I do not post enough so here is something new for all of you. A friend of mine has gotten into digital scrap booking and I though it looked very interesting so today I got down to business and got my first lesson on how to actually do this. Right now I have very limited pictures because my little sister has my laptop so I decided to use a picture of her graduation!!! Above is my finished project I hope you enjoy. And now I have yet another thing to be a distraction but at least it is something very fun!! Thanks Christina

Monday, March 9, 2009

Some Favorite Things

I realize it has been awhile since the last time I got on this thing...I have been pretty busy the last few weeks so I always forget to get on here and do a little updating. I have in fact gotten a job so that is exciting I am going to give it a few more weeks before I go into detail about what I am doing so I can finish getting used to it...but that is exciting that I am not long unemployed!!! I am very very thankful for that.

I thought I would make a list of things I like at this moment...some of them are new likes and some old.. I am not sure how many there will be yet just hang in till the end an you will know

1. The Library-While many people might find a library a little dorky I absolutely love them. A place where you can go and get a book, read it, them return it. And now libraries offer even more than just books magazines, internet, books on tape, dvd's, photocopying, and tons of children's programing. You just can't go wrong especially if you like books (see below) because this is a place of free books!
2. Texas- I think those of us who live in our great state take it for granted. I was reading a blog by a lady who is a native Texan but lives in New York and her blog is all about missing Texas food. I mean any place you can not purchase Rotel is not ok with me. But for real we have a wonderful state on our hands and I can't imagine living anywhere else!
3. Texas Weather- As much as well all grumble and complain about the weather in those sweltering months of July and August you have to admit we have it pretty good here. There are not many places to live where you have the possibility of wearing shorts and a coat all in the same week, but it is always a possibility here. I think it is the unpredictability of the weather I love. For those of you who live in Texas there is nothing like watching a thunderstorm roll in during those summer months. They come out of no where and you have to be a seasoned Texan to spot the warning signs. But they are a thing of beauty!
4. Smart Television- There is so much junk on TV today somehow as a people we have become ok with mindless reality tv. Well I am going to take a stand I am not ok with it. Smart television is where it is at. When I say smart I mean TV that makes you think, TV that is funny, TV that makes the impossible and silly not seem so impossible and silly. Some of my favorite shoes on TV now are: Fringe, Heros, How I Met Your Mother, 30 Rock, Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Phsyc, House, Chuck...those are just a few but they are shows that are smart, funny, well written. Favorite not on TV shows: Alias, Felicity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars, all shows that didn't have huge followings but were amazingly written and so fun to watch.
5. Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies- This is on the list because it is Girl Scout Cookies Season and I love a good thin mint straight from the freezer that is right the freezer they are at their best when frozen. I don't know how long I have liked these but I always look forward to the day I walk into my Mom's house and she hands me my yearly box of Thin Mints...there is nothing like it.
6. Books- I guess this is a given if you know me or read about the library. I just love the smell and the thought of opening a new book and diving into a whole new world. A world I can create in my mind using someone else's words. I said yesterday I would pretty much choose to read over almost anything else! It is an amazing escape.
7. Discover good music- I love when you find an artist that can give you goose bumps while you listen to the beautiful art they create. I love finding people that put their whole soul into giving people wonderful words to listen to. Music is one of those things that can alter your mood with just one note of a song. It is yet anther amazing escape.
8. Twitter- This is one of the newest things I have discovered. It is such a fun place to quickly type what you are doing and letting everyone out there know. It connects you with people who you would never have access to. Technology never ceases to amaze me.
9. Blogging- This is yet anther new thing I love. I don't necessarily love writing them but I love reading them. It is a wonderful tool that allows you to stay connected to people you would lose track of. I have the unique joy of seeing two of my favorite people being amazing moms through their blogs.
10. Sandwiches- There is nothing like the taste of an amazing sandwich. It doesn't have to be from a fancy place, although if I had to pick I would live for Panera Sandwiches. Sometimes bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayo hit the spot. There is nothing like a sandwich on a hot summer day!!

Ok so I ended up with 10 there are many more thing I could add but these are all up there right now. Thanks for sticking with me until the end of that I just felt like recording some of the things I have been thinking about. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For the last few days I have been dragging myself to the park down the street for a nice walk everyday--I mean who could ask for better weather right now in Texas in February!!!  When I say down the street I mean it is a few miles and I drive there, but it is oh so nice and pretty with paths marked out and a playground and basketball area.  Well yesterday and today I was inspired by the amount of people who also visit this park not only to enjoy the outdoors but to also I am hoping that it was a turning point for me to not have to drag myself but to look forward to the time outside listening to music and enjoying that fact that maybe just maybe we as a country are not as lazy as we think.

This is all apart of my take care of me time while I am searching for a job so tomorrow my project is get a library card.... while some might find this dorky I read so much and books are so dang expensive and in my time of having no money I must find a way to do the things I loved in a frugal manner.  So I will update you on my quest for the card. I will never deny the fact that I can be a whole lot a dork and a lot boring but thus is my life.

I am hoping to have some news in the job front in the next week or so!!!  It would be so nice to stop saying I am unemployed!  But until then I will continue to walk, and read and waste time on the internet!!!

Something to ponder from johncmayer's twitter: Why is it on the A&E show, Intervention, that the entire family seems high as a kite?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Stunning Revelation

There are many important decisions we have to make over the course of our time here on earth.  These choices shape the people we are.  This week I have finally comes to terms with a choice I have long denied even with the obvious signs right in front of me.  It is a choice so important that once you you make your decision known you are embraced by those like you and mocked and cursed by those who are not........................

I am just going to say it...I am a shower person!  I have long thought myself to be a girl who preferred  the wonderful sensation of a long hot bath.  Well let me just tell you after having my ability to chose between a shower and a bath (I was only able to takes baths this week due to a leaky pipe)  I found I longed for a nice hot shower.  There have been signs over the years that I ignored:

1. In college when you are first out on your own your dorm room only provides you with the option of  taking a shower.  Well my dorm also offered another alternative on the first floor a community bath an amazing find for the bath lover.  If I had truly been a lover of a bath I would have not gotten the hebby jebbies every time I thought about trucking it down to the community bath and locking myself into the room where who knows what or who had used the tub before me. A true bath lover like an unknown friend of mine (you know who you are) used this room frequently and sometimes more than once a day until sadly (or thankfully) the locked it up.

2. A true bath lover would not think of taking a bath as sitting in your own filth water.  Which I do view it if it is to be my means of getting clean.  The most enjoyable bath is one you take after having taken a shower.  This way you are not sitting in dirty water but nice clean water!

3. When given the choice I will always pick a is quicker, your are not laying in dirty water and the water doesn't get cold on you (unless you are taking a 30 minute shower)

So that being said I feel much better about putting this discovery out in the open and I hope that those of you who are bath lovers do not look at me any differently.  And hey don't get me wrong a bath is nice every once and a while.  


This is what sitting in your own filth looks like!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ok two blogs in one day...but I was transferring some pictures from another computer to my mac and I thought I would share them because they are from a really fun trip in September of 2007 where I got to spend some quality time with both of my sisters!!!  

This would be the start of a very interesting journey for me and Jessica (my middle sister) who was moving to Seattle and I decided to join her on the ride from Dallas to Seattle!!!  Oh it was full of lots of time crammed in a tiny car cruising along the highways of places I had never seen (ok I had seen most of it up until we hit CO).  It also included me reading crossword puzzles out loud and letting Jessica answer them....let me just say not the most fun thing in the world!
Our first stop of the trip Colorado Springs, CO.  While we were there we got a chance to see the Garden of the Gods which was a lot of fun
Look at all that strength holding up that boulder.  But don't worry we got out of there without anyone getting squished
Our next stop on the ride was Salt Lake City.  This is what we saw of Salt Lake beside our hotel and the hour we spent at Sonic trying to get some stinking food
We finally made it to Seattle almost 3 days later!!!  This is us enjoying the view!!! Now we just had to wait the arrival of the little one (Jaclyn).  
Stay tuned for her arrival here is a little preview of what is to come

A Movie You Should Make Time For

I haven't really seen to many movies this year but I know for sure that this movie is a must see.  Not only will you come out of the theatre feeling like you have not wasted 2 hours of your life.  It will make you laugh, cry and root for the main characters.  So if you haven't guessed what movie I am referring to then you must be living under a rock.  It is Slumdog Millionaire.  Please go see it I promise you won't be disappointed!!!  

For those of you who have no idea what this movie is about here is a little clip for you:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Unemployment.....Sort of

Where to many things have changed for me in the last few months that I am at a loss of where to even begin for those 2 or 3 of you that read this.  

Well as the title says I am currently unemployed, but unlike so many people out there my joblessness is by choice.  After 4 years of non stop working up in Dallas I decided it was time for a change in life and instead of being normal and deciding to start running or take up a new hobby I decided to quit my job and move back to Houston.  Now this decision was made back in October before the economy pretty much fell apart before our eyes.  Needless to say I have spent the last few months job searching everything from office jobs to places like Hobby Lobby and so on.  So far nothing but thankfully I am still maintaing the Lake Lavon Website so I have just enough money coming in to help cover my necessary bills.  Now all that said I am in the process of trying not to get down on the fact that I have not yet found employment.   I know I the right job will come along and I know I made the right decision back in October I just picked an interesting time to invest myself in a life change.  

With that I have decided here and now tonight I have to figure out ways to use my time wisely as far a exercising, crafting, reading and so forth.  I know I need to use this time to figure out what I really desire in life.  Well all the sappiness aside if you are in the Houston/Conroe area I would love to hear from you!!!  That is all the self reflecting I have in me for the night but beware with nothing to do with myself I hope to post on a more consistent basis.  

I leave you with a question of the day from Tina Fey's Twitter: Are Eggrolls just Chinese Hotpockets?