Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For the last few days I have been dragging myself to the park down the street for a nice walk everyday--I mean who could ask for better weather right now in Texas in February!!!  When I say down the street I mean it is a few miles and I drive there, but it is oh so nice and pretty with paths marked out and a playground and basketball area.  Well yesterday and today I was inspired by the amount of people who also visit this park not only to enjoy the outdoors but to also I am hoping that it was a turning point for me to not have to drag myself but to look forward to the time outside listening to music and enjoying that fact that maybe just maybe we as a country are not as lazy as we think.

This is all apart of my take care of me time while I am searching for a job so tomorrow my project is get a library card.... while some might find this dorky I read so much and books are so dang expensive and in my time of having no money I must find a way to do the things I loved in a frugal manner.  So I will update you on my quest for the card. I will never deny the fact that I can be a whole lot a dork and a lot boring but thus is my life.

I am hoping to have some news in the job front in the next week or so!!!  It would be so nice to stop saying I am unemployed!  But until then I will continue to walk, and read and waste time on the internet!!!

Something to ponder from johncmayer's twitter: Why is it on the A&E show, Intervention, that the entire family seems high as a kite?

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